The Theme of 9. International Crime and Punishment Film Festival: Justice in the Virtual World

International Crime and Punishment Film Festival, launched in 2011 under the over-arching theme of Justice for All, will be held for the ninth time in Istanbul between 22 – 28 November 2019.
This year’s theme has been determined as Justice in the Virtual World. The virtual world emerging from the Internet has had a massive and direct impact on all aspects of economic, social and cultural life, completing and/or displacing pre-Internet forms of human social and business interactions. As the virtual environment and the connectivity it brings with it grows, so do the opportunities for human advancement. At the same time, from a legal standpoint, the virtual domain presents formidable challenges, confronting national, international and transnational regulators with the most complex of questions, not only as to how to legally manage the digital world and its connection to the physical realm, but also as to how to manage and enforce choices which are made in that regard, at the same time keeping up with the rapid pace of technological development.
As the law stands on the threshold of its virtual development, maintaining the benefits of ICT-technology for mankind and life on Earth generally, it is also crucial, as we venture out into the unknown and ever-changing landscape of cyberspace, it is of utmost importance that we take our steps with security. As it offers opportunities, the digital domain also presents great dangers. As we make ourselves more and more dependent on technology and it continues to pervade the global human experience – in international relations, public and private infrastructures, the exercise of human rights – we also become more vulnerable to its misuse.
A focal point, security, in this regard the combatting of cybercrime, which may be understood as a hazard to not only the users of the virtual world, but the health of the digital domain itself, with lack of safety in cyberspace and damage to the integrity of its systems potentially impeding its use and further development. With the legal conceptualization of the cyber domain and decision-making as to its security still unfolding in all corners of the globe, it is crucial thus that all steps taken – technologically and legally – to ensure that the virtual world is safe and that the freedom and benefits it brings with it are able to advance. Regulating the virtual world is an immense challenge which cannot be undertaken alone, not nationally or regionally and not only by lawyers: to achieve Justice in the Virtual World, all its aspects must be understood together from the perspective of all pertinent public and private stakeholders, users and pertinent sciences, including those of law and technology.
The organization committee of the ninth International Crime and Punishment Film Festival is proud to publish this first call, inviting persons who wish to participate in the Festival academic program to submit papers to present during the academic panels. The subject matter of the papers should fall under the theme of the Festival academic program as described above, while the sub-themes enumerated below may be regarded as non-exhaustive suggestions.
The format for papers and presentations will be in accordance with the International Congress criteria, presentations being limited to 20 minutes speaking time, to be delivered in Turkish or English. Those who wish to submit papers are requested to send:
- a title of the topic thereof and an abstract (of 100-200 words) in Turkish or English by 01 June 2019 and
- a summary of the paper with extended abstracts in English (of 600-800 words) either in Turkish or English by 1 August 2019.
Submitted texts will be published in either a refereed or non-refereed journal. In all texts, the OSCLOA citation system should be followed. Details are included in the related link and annex.
Suggested themes
- Digital Transformations
- Information Systems
- Internet Communication Law
- Social Networks
- Artificial Intelligence
- Media and the Virtual Domain
- The Protection of Personal Data
- Electronic Trade
- Internet Law
- Cybercrime
- Investigating and prosecuting Cybercrime
- Cyber Jurisdiction
- Cyber Forensics
- Mobile Banking
- Virtual Property and Currency
- International Regulations
- Human Rights in Cyberspace
Expressing my sincerest gratitude in advance to all participants and hoping that your participation will help us in organizing a successful Academic Program for the 9th International Criminal and Criminal Film Festival Academic Program,
On behalf of the Organisation Committee
President of Film Festival
Prof. Dr. Adem SÖZÜER
For Questions :